Book Review: X-Com: UFO Defense: A Novel by Diane Duane

Original Review written August 10, 2016 (Goodreads)

I have a bit of an addiction to X-Com. I used to play the original and Terror from the Deep (TFTD) as a kid when they were new. I always preferred TFTD as it was creepier under the water and has flying brain monsters that can control you. Freaky! Then, I found the game again as an adult on Steam and played it way more than I should. And what went and happened? They made a modern version - Enemy Unknown that just eats up all my time. 

I suppose it's only natural that a successful video game franchise should try to expand to other media. However, this appears to be the only x-com novel in existence. There are also no tv shows or movies that I know of. Not even a board game or official RPG. It's probably good for me since I would just spend all my time and money on them.

I first read UFO Defense years ago in high school I think. I barely remember it from then so reading it now was pretty much reading it new. Usually plots or characters will seem familiar when I pick up a book a second time and eventually my poor foggy memory will kick in. That didn't happen this time. I think it's because the book is pretty simplistic. Not much leaps off the page at you. The characters are kinda flat, the story a touch predictable and simple. I didn't quite guess who the mole was, but not because they hid it so well, but because no one really stood out to me to point a finger at.

None of this means it's a bad book. If you're looking for some just simple sci-fi where aliens die and humans are the heroes, then pick this one up. It's a solid nod to the game and there are even a few moments where I think it seeks to mock the game a bit - saving the world and you have to count pennies? It is a bit ridiculous. Esp. when countries join up with the aliens.


Thanks for reading! 

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