Writing Websites
I'd like to describe a few of the tools I've been using to help my on my writing journey. None of these sites have asked me to do this. Also, I will be adding to this post from time to time, so please send me any recommendations.
In no particular order:
Writing Excuses: This is easily my favourite writing podcast. I have been listening to it for years now and I even ordered the DVD with all the old episodes. There is so much writing advice in these 15 (20) minute episodes. The early seasons have only the same 3-4 hosts, but several years ago, they started adding many other writers to the roster and I'm amazing that after all this time, they still have so much to teach.
The Horror Tree: Most of my writing career thus far has been unseen. I have written 3-4 unfinished novels. I also wrote a few short stories that sat on my computer collecting dust. During this summer of Covid, I started trying to find homes for those short stories and I found The Horror Tree. A place full of submission calls - and not just for horror stories. Not only that, but they published one of my short pieces.
DIY MFA: A new resource for me, but one that has fast become invaluable. If you can afford the cost of the course, I recommend it. I've only completed 1/3 of it and I already see the value. I am using the course to help me write a new novel(la), which should be complete sometime in 2021.
Nanowrimo: I have participated in Nanowrimo for about a decade now and while I don't always "win", I always enjoy it. Nanowrimo brought me my first writing community and has certainly provided me with a lot of encouragement over the years. (2024 Update: I no longer participate in Nanowrimo)
Literature & Latte: This site offers two programs: Scrivener, a novel writing software, and Campfire for world building. I use both programs. Scrivener I use constantly. It's not only useful for my novels, but I also use it as a sort of short story database. Campfire, I don't use quite as much, but it has helped me with the world building on my most complete of my unfinished novels and I think if I were to ever write a grand fantasy, the pro version would be an incredible tool.
Thanks for reading!
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