I'm Back!

What a long, complicated summer this has been for me. I relaunched this blog, then got hit by a big whammy of "life stuff" and completely forgot about my fledgling little blog for months. Things have more or less settled down now and I can start updating again.

First up: What am I reading?

In anticipation of the newest Dresden Files book, Peace Talks, I did a speed re-read of all the books (minus the short stories). Most of these books I hadn't read in years and it has been an interesting journey heading back through them. One I'm working on putting into words.

What am I stitching?

 If anyone is on my other social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram), then you have been seeing some of what I've been sewing. I've begun building a page here with pictures of my cross-stitch pieces, and will be including some embroidery, too. I'm pretty new to embroidery so I don't have a lot of finished pieces, yet.

And finally: What am I writing?

My murder mystery novel is temporarily on hold. I've been focusing on short stories - mostly horror and trying my hand at sending them out to various markets and contests that I've found on Horror Tree. I've also got a plan for a new thriller for Nanowrimo in the works this year, too.

How is everyone else doing out there? Hope you're all keeping safe and staying healthy.




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