Hollow World by Michael J. Sullivan
Review originally written and posted to Goodreads on August 12, 2016:
I'm sitting here, just having turned off the
audio version of this and my head is swimming with thoughts. This is a
beautiful story that questions the core essences of humanity, love,
religion, and life. Like the protagonist, Ellis Rogers, I went on this
journey expecting a classic time travel story and instead encountered
something else entirely.
Ellis Rogers is tired of his ordinary
life. As a brilliant scientist not living up to his potential, he has
always dreamed of something bigger, but never managed to achieve it.
Instead, he settled. He married the first woman he was with and he clung
to the first friend he ever had, even though both of those choices
weren't really right for him. Ellis isn't happy. He isn't even really
miserable. He just... exists. Then like another scientist living below
his potential, Walter White, he is diagnosed with a fatal illness and
death becomes the wake up call that shows him what it means to be alive.
Only, instead of building an evil meth empire, Ellis invents time
There is an equation that a scientist named Hoffman
developed that would allow someone to step into another dimension, wait
for time to pass, and then step back. Time would still pass, but the
traveller would only experience a fraction of it - like how time travels
quickly when we sleep. Hoffman made a mistake and never completed his
equation, but Ellis figures out the error and sets off for 200 or so
years into the future, hoping for a cure and a new life. Instead, he
travels over 2000 years into the future and lands in Hollow World.
World is pretty much utopia. It was nice to see a future that wasn't a
bleak apocalypse. Sure, Hollow World has problems and struggles, but
there is no war, violence, poverty, racism, disease or even death. It
sounds wonderful, but there is a cost. The cost to paradise is true
individuality. Everyone is developed on a pattern and with only a very
few exceptions, everyone is identical. There is no racism or sexism
because everyone is the same race and sex. Or, rather, they don't have a
sex at all. They have different personalities and skill sets, and
slightly different voices, but physically, everyone looks the same.
Hollow World holds a surprise for Ellis - well a few surprises really -
and Ellis is forced to not only reexamine everything he's ever
believed, but to make a decision that will determine the entire future
of Hollow World.
This book is amazing. I don't know what else to
say about it without giving up key spoilers and I think the book is
better with the mystery and surprises. Some of the mystery that is going
on seems painfully obvious to us readers, but we are mere observers and
not clouded by Ellis' history and memories. So, please forgive him his
failings and blindness if you join him in Hollow World. He can't help
how he is.
I found myself just wanting to spend time in Hollow
World, exploring and relaxing with Ellis and his new friend, Pax. Would I
surrender my individuality to live there? I don't know. But it was sure
nice to visit.
Thanks for reading!
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