
About this blog:

The primary focus of this blog is storytelling. I am a writer, and I have always been fascinated by how stories work. I will explore this idea through book reviews, posts about writing, television, other authors, ideas, and much more. I have a special interest in mythology, horror, and martial arts.
Years ago, I started a tiny blog because I set myself a challenge: to actually read all the books I own before buying any new ones. Well I failed at that miserably because I can't resist new and interesting books even when I'm already in the middle of five others. You can still read some of my old reviews kicking around Goodreads, and I will be cherry-picking some of those to update and republish here. 
I made a few other false-starts over the years before stepping back from blogging altogether for a few years. I missed having this outlet for my writing and have decided to return to my blogging roots with Blogger, where my original blog used to live. I have been back here since 2020 and I have fallen even more in love with story-blogging than ever before.

About me:

As a Writer:

I am a writer of dark fiction, particularly horror, dark fantasy, mystery/thriller. I have published a few short fiction pieces with more on the way. My debut collection, Thin Slices: A Collection of Horror Flash Fiction came out January 12, 2025. I'm a contributor at The Horror Tree and Ginger Nuts of Horror. I also slush read for Frost Zone Stories and Shoreline of Infinity.
I am an Affiliate Member of the Horror Writer's Association and the secretary for the Ontario Chapter. I am also a member of SINC 2024.

Outside of Writing:

I studied Anthropology and Classics in University and then taught Ancient Greek Myth/History part-time for a few years. I currently work as a Legal Assistant. My interests include embroidery, cross-stitch, reading, video games, and martial arts. I trained in Taekwondo for several years and am currently training in Meibukan Goju-Ryu Karate. I've also dabbled in Fencing, Wing-Chun, Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu, Tai Chi, and Muay Thai.

AI Statement

I do not use generative "AI" to write my work. I develop my own ideas, titles, and writing. Sometimes I will use a random word generator/name generator such as this site to help inspire me to name people/places. And I will use basic grammar functions that come with all writing software, but all the words I write are my own.
For me the purpose of writing is TO WRITE. If I'm not writing, then I'm not a writer. 

For my self-publishing, I will never knowingly use AI-generated art for my covers or an AI-generated narrator. I support my fellow human creators.
Unless otherwise labelled, all site pictures/graphics are made by me (not including book covers for reviews). I do use stock imagery, but I do not use AI-generated images with my knowledge. If you notice any, please let me know right away.

Other places you can find me: Link Tree


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