Book Review: Spirits of Suburbia

Original review written Oct. 25, 2014 on Goodreads

Original review (with updated comments)

I picked up this little anthology at ConBravo this past summer as a way to support several authors and get a taste of their writing without breaking my bank account. As the title, "Spirits of Suburbia" suggests, the stories deal with fantasy in an urban setting and how that affects the characters. Some gain a new understanding of the world, while find an unlikely answer to some of their own problems.

My favourite story in the book is "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" by Tecuma Macintyre. A young lady invites her witch friend to cleanse her bookstore of evil spirits. The author does an excellent job of teasing out the back story of both these women in a way that intrigues the reader, but still feels like a complete tale. When Abby, the witch, is going through the cleansing ritual, I was actually a little scared. There is a lot of depth to this world, and I would be interested in following up on Abby's story if I can.

The weakest story, in my opinion, is "Dakota is a Dryad's Name". This story is only a page long, which does not allow for a lot to happen. A little boy is bullied at a daycamp and runs away. He finds a little fairy and then he's happy again. It's cute. It's just short. I do have to note here my personal bias against super short stories since I'm the girl who will read books with well over 1000 pages multiple times (I no longer have this bias as I have come to appreciate flash fiction).

Overall, none of the stories are duds. The anthology is a bit short, but the editor has provided some "bonus material" to flesh out the volume. Also, of the seven tales featured, three of them are about dryads. While each story does work on its own and all are well-written, I would have liked a little more variety.

I do think this volume is nice if you like urban fantasy.



Note: ConBravo is a convention I attended a few times many years ago.  

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