Book Review: Dark Nature: A Horror Anthology - The Macabre Ladies


This past summer, temperatures broke records across North America. Towns had to be evacuated from the resulting fires. Even the ocean itself was aflame when an oil pipeline burst in the Gulf of Mexico. Startling reminders that the damage we do to our planet has real consequences.

But will we listen and change our ways?

Dark Nature, an anthology by The Macabre Ladies features thirteen stories about Mother Nature's revenge against humanity for the destruction we have wrought. From trees that swallow people, to vengeful lizards, and even werewolves in space, each story is unique, well-written, and unnerving.


My personal favourites are:

The Cicada’s Song by M.Betterelli

High tension from start to finish. This is a gripping tale that refuses to be put down until the end of the story.

In the Wych Elm by Emma Kathryn

I enjoyed the folk tale elements of this story and the development of the main character.

Polarion by Shea Herlihy-Abba 

More than just a tale of werewolves in space, this story is about a young man coming to grips with his family's legacy.

Natural Predators by Rami Ungar

What makes this one compelling is that underneath the horror story, we have a bit of a coming of age tale, too. Lucy, the main character, has to come to grips with who she really is, and how not to be afraid of being true to herself.


An excellent anthology from The Macabre Ladies.


Note: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


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