Camp Nanowrimo Update #3

Here are, 11 days in and I'm already falling behind. There comes a point in every Nanowrimo where I lose the rhythm or miss a couple days and start to wonder if I can finish on time. This week had a lot of low word count days for me, but I haven't reached the point of no return yet.

Current word count: 13,058 out of 17,743 words for today.

My final total will be a bit higher since I'm still doing some writing tonight. 4,685 words is nothing to sneeze at, but all I need to do is be consistent and I can close the gap.

This week I completed my draft retelling of Eurydice and Orpheus from her point of view. This one didn't flow out of me as easily as Alcestis, but I still enjoyed writing it. I am interested in different depictions of the underworld and while I didn't dive too deeply into it for this draft, it was still nice to sketch out some basics of my interpretation of the Greek Underworld.

The rest of the week's writing was for my novel, this blog, and my murder mystery short story. That one I'm struggling with a bit as I work out all of my suspects and their motives, but I should have that draft wrapped up some time this next week.

I hope everyone else's writing went well this week and I'll see you next weekend when I'm hopefully all caught up on my word count. 

Thanks for reading! 

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